We had a great week at Interspeech 2019, here Yogi presented our work on Joint Acoustic Scene Classification & Sound Event Detection entitled “Towards joint…

Work from Arjun for sound recognition has been accepted into the 4th Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2019), entitled…

We are delighted to learn that we will be presenting our works on sound scene city classification and multi-task sound event and sound activity detection…

We are delighted to learn that we will be presenting our work on joint audio scene classification and sound event detection at Interspeech in Graz…

Ines Nolasco and Emmanouil Benetos were both in action this week at ICASSP presenting their works in beehive states and subspectralnets.

We are happy to release a pre-print of our latest work, conducted in partnership with our friends at Technical University of Tampere, Finland online today. …

A pre-print of our latest work has been released online; Abstract: Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC) and Sound Event Detection (SED) are two separate tasks in the…
The great work by Ines Nolasco in automating our extensible taxonomy is now live! Check it out online

Generously supported by ERC Grant Agreement 637422 EVERYSOUND, our Post-Doc Yogi is spending March 2019 at the Technical University of Tampere, Finland working with Annamaria Mesaros,…

We have produced a new dataset, with strong labels for both scene classification and sound event detection. It is available for download from here. All…